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Shalom Sofer

Crafting sand, soil, earth and concrete into beautiful art

Shalom Dov Sofer lives on the edge of the Judean Desert, drawing artistic inspiration from the ancient landscape of Israel. His primary mediums are the natural materials that surround us, including earth spoil from Temple Mount archeological excavations. Shalom Sofer has spent more than 20 years exploring the spiritual essence inherent in the ground we walk over.  

Shalom was born into a traditional ultra-Orthodox family with little acceptance or support for art and culture. He was drawn to artistic expression from earliest childhood, beginning a journey of artistic discovery from the age of three. Eventually Shalom found his way to formal art studies at Sapir University in Southern Israel, graduating in 2009. He remains fascinated by the history, spirituality and sanctity of Jerusalem, as well the millennia of  historical treasures buried beneath Israel’s soil.

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